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Prayer for the Workplace

Nathaniel Venasse

Pride vs. Humility

"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt,

so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

Colossians 4:6


When reading through the comparisons above we can find it challenging (especially in our places of work) to be humble. Our jobs force us to interact with people, and we all know that people are not the easiest to deal with - they are sinful, deceitful, arrogant, and stubborn, so why wouldn’t we put ourselves above them?

Yet as people of faith, we represent more than ourselves, we represent the creator and saviour of the world, we stand as images of the invisible, just as Jesus did. How we act and react, how we address and respond to people guide them closer or further away from the Father.

What’s the environment like in your workplace; are you bringing salt and light to a place that is bland and devoid of grace? Are you communicating gratefulness that you are employed, that God has blessed you with an income, or does your attitude communicate ingratitude? Does your faith have a purpose in your workplace, even just to impact your language?

Prayer Points
  • A growing number of believers will prioritize reaching out to their workmates with God’s love in their work lives.

  • Believers will pray for fellow workers and reach out with concern and acts of kindness to those who are hurting and need help.

  • Christians in the workplace will support each other through prayer and meeting together.

  • Groups of believers will connect with and receive assistance from workplace ministries such as One Way MinistriesWorkplace Network and the Public Service Christian Fellowship.

  • Christians will share the gospel with fellow workers as opportunities arise in the office, at lunch, and elsewhere.


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