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Pray for Souls

Writer: Doug ValerioDoug Valerio

Photo by <a href="">Jason Betz</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

- 2 Peter 3: 9


Consider the cost Father God paid in sending His only Son to be born as a man in humble circumstances. Sent to His own people who rejected Him, and paid for false testimony in a trial. Then was handed over to cruel torturers, hung on a cross, and died an agonizing death. Who would put their only beloved son through that? What is more, Jesus did all this in willing obedience to the Father. For one reason and one reason only - Love.

God so loves you, that He sent His son to remove the sin that separated you from Him. The pain of the cross was nothing compared to the pain of being apart from you. In Christ, you have brought immeasurable joy to the Father's heart. What does He ask in return? That you tell others what His son had done for them.

  1. Start by giving thanks for all that Jesus did on the cross for your salvation.

  2. Pray by name for the 5 closest people to you who do not know Jesus as their Lord and saviour. Pray against the enemy that is blinding them to the truth.

  3. Ask the Lord for an opportunity to tell them about Jesus. Ask for boldness and courage to do it.

  4. Pray for our Church and the other Churches in the city, that the gospel of Jesus will be preached with clarity and a clear invitation will be sent out for people to receive Christ as their Lord and saviour.

  5. Pray for souls, ask the Lord of the Harvest for another great soul harvest in our day.


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