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As We Also Forgive - PB#56

Writer: Doug ValerioDoug Valerio

In Matthew's version of the Lord's Prayer (6:12), he uses the phrase "as we forgive our debtors." This would remind the disciples of the year of Jubilee where all slaves were set free, debts cancelled and ancestral land sold due to poverty was restored to the rightful owner. Jesus was indicating that His death on the cross would usher in the fulfillment of Jubilee or, "The Year of the Lord's Favour" (Lk 4:19), where our debts would be paid in full by the blood of Jesus and those in slavery to sin would be set free.

As we forgive others, we set them free from our payback. We ourselves are released from a prison of unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, revenge and walk in the glorious freedom of peace that comes by living in the year of the Lord's favour.


This Week's Prayer Points


This Week's Message

Study Questions:

  1. What was the year of Jubilee, and how did the coming of Jesus fulfill it?

  2. What part of your inheritance has the enemy stolen that he needs to give back?

  3. When we hold someone in unforgiveness, we take on the role of the punisher. What are some of the ways we punish others who have offended us?

  4. What is a root of bitterness?

  5. How is forgiveness taking up our cross?

  6. What does loving our enemies look like?

  7. Share your experience of the ministry time.

We will reflect on the message and these questions together at the Fireside Chat, 7 pm, Thursday night. Join by clicking on the link below.

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