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2022 Month of Prayer - Persistence

Writer's picture: Doug ValerioDoug Valerio

January 10th

Rejoice in hope, endure in suffering, persist in prayer.

Romans 12:12.



Consistent, Persistent, Insistence will break every Resistance

Another key to breaking through resistance in prayer is persistence. I find this to be one of the qualities most lacking in our prayer arsenal. Contrary to what some have been taught, persistence in prayer is not lack of faith. Quite the opposite.

In the parable of The Persistent Widow, she persistently petitioned the unjust judge for justice until he finally relented. The point Jesus brings out is that God is not unjust, He will give justice speedily for those who cry out day and night. In the same breath, Jesus then says something remarkable; "Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” - Luke 18:8. Persistence in prayer is faith in action.

In the parable of The Persistent Neighbour, who asked for food in the middle of the night, Jesus comments; "I tell you, even though the man inside will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of the first man’s sheer persistence he will get up and give him whatever he needs." - Luke 11:8. After telling this parable, Jesus goes on to tell His disciples to; "Ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking, knock and keep knocking."

When you want to set sail, you first have to raise the anchor. Persistent prayer is like hauling in the anchor hand over hand until it is in the boat. You don't give up after one tug on the rope, you persist until the anchor is safely stowed, then you are on your way. So it is with prayer, you persist until you get what you ask for or, the Lord tells you you can stop praying, it is done.

In this month of Prayer:

  • What do you need to pray persistently about?

  • Ask the Lord how you are to fast from 16th to the 31st. What is sensible, what is achievable, what is a stretch?

  • Pray daily for the health, healing and protection of our congregation.

  • Pray for revival to break forth in Manotick, sweep upriver to the City and out to our Nations.


Mark the Date: Jan. 14th - Online Prayer Summit. 7pm - 8:30pm EST

The online Praye Summit will kick off a 2 week period of prayer and fasting for the Church. Zoom Password: prayer


January 16th - January 22nd.

During our month of prayer and fasting we will be joining in with City on Our Knees, praying for God's will in Ottawa.

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