January 25th

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20
Did you know, Jesus had a discipleship Triad? (See Mk. 5:37, Matt. 17:1, 26:37) Out of His 12 disciples, there were Peter, James and John who were called into a closer relationship. They were party to special miracles, revelations and were the three chosen to watch and pray with Jesus in his greatest hour of need.
We are a disciple making Church. It's our main game. Discipleship Triads are the basic building block of discipleship. In addition to this, we also put on discipleship events and have tools to help equip you on your discipleship journey. Church Renewal materials; The Way and Grow Character. Prayer Summits, Set Free! Retreat, Hearing God, The War Room, Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts, Valiant Man etc. All these are on your discipleship pathway from being a disciple to becoming a disciple maker.
Prayer Points
Pray for MCC to continue developing our disciple making culture.
Pray that God raises up mature disciple makers from inside our Church.
Ask the Lord to send labourers to give leadership to the various disciple events we put on for the Church.
Pray for the goal of 3 new Discipleship Triads to be established this year from our Church members.
Pray for the goal of 6 new people from outside our Church, to be added to our Triads. Pray that this is accomplished by our Triad members inviting them to join their Triad.
Pray for the others in your Triad to grow in Christlikeness and develop discipleship practices. If you are not in a Triad, ask the Lord to put you in the right one.
We have had a couple of words for Garth that there will be a turnaround in his health. Keep praying for complete healing. Ps. 103:3, Matt. 18:7, Isa. 53:5.
Early Morning Online Prayer Room opens
Monday to Friday; 6:30 - 7:00 am
Zoom ID: 875 9627 3294
Passcode: prayer