January 27th
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
Matthew 16:18
Jesus is a builder. Colossians 1:16 says that all things were created by Him. He was even the adopted son of Joseph, a builder (that's what carpenters did in the first century). Jesus is still building His Church and gathering people to Himself. The Church is called to co-labour with Christ in this effort.
The way Jesus builds, He calls the lonely and places them into families. He heals them, gives them new purpose for life and empowers them to live into it. We join with Jesus in this building effort as He builds us up into a spiritual house.
When you build a new subdivision, you get an influx of new people. So it is with the kingdom. When you plant a new Church, that is when you see the greatest number of new believers coming to faith. This is part of the mission for MCC, to be a Church that plants Churches.
Prayer Points
Pray for smooth incorporation and charity application and process. This is key to setting good foundations for future Church plants.
Pray for wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit as we navigate changes in leadership prior to, and following incorporation.
Pray for discernment and wisdom as we continue to pray and have conversations around planting an online Church.
Pray for the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health of our congregation.
Pray for Alpha Sunday, Jan 30th. That we would reach out and invite the lost and lonely to explore Alpha for themselves on the 9th Feb.
Pray for Vision Sunday, 6th Feb. That God would reveal His plans and strategies for our Church in 2022, with clarity. Ask the Lord to help our Leadership Team to clearly and compellingly cast the vision to the congregation.
Continue assailing heaven for that turnaround in Garth's health. Keep praying for complete healing. Pray: Consistently, Persistently and Consistently! Ps. 103:3, Matt. 8:17, Isa. 53:5.
Come along to the War Room on Sunday at 3pm down in the Church basement, where we will be having a special celebration prayer and praise to mark the end of our corporate month of fasting and prayer.
Early Morning Online Prayer Room opens
Monday to Friday; 6:30 - 7:00 am
Zoom ID: 875 9627 3294
Passcode: prayer