January 3rd
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." - Ephesians 2:10. (NLT)
We are God's masterpiece. I believe this is a word for the Church as well as individuals. There is a plan for every Church, commissioned by Jesus to reach the community they are in. There is a dynamic plan for each person in those Churches. God has planted you in your local Church and is skillfully weaving your unique gifts into the fabric of the Church vision. There is not one haphazard or careless brushstroke in His masterpiece. The good things He has planned for you, only you can do. For through these good things, He is refining you and using you as the vehicle for blessing others.
I have discovered over the years that God will speak to you more about the good things He has planned for your life than any other single thing. As we cultivate a habit of prayer, we position ourselves to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.
In this month of prayer for the Church;
Take a moment to re-commit to a dedicated daily prayer time.
Thank God for the ways you were able to serve last year.
Ask the Lord to reveal to His good plans for you throughout this month
Make time to listen in anticipated silence.
Mark the Date: Jan. 14th - Online Prayer Summit. 7pm - 8:30pm EST
The online Praye Summit will kick off a 2 week period of prayer and fasting for the Church. Zoom Password: prayer